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ART Concept

wasteland rusty guitars


Working with acrylic paint and varnish, Dom De Plume uses vintage electric guitars as his canvas for his abstract and realistic brushstrokes. In painstaking detail work, the instrument is disassembled into its small parts and each part is painted. The finished works of art are not only beautiful to look at, every single guitar is playable and sounds good too.

What represents rock more than the electric guitar.
It is the symbol of rock that has been electrifying the masses for over 100 years. Hardly any other instrument has changed the music world as much as the electric guitar. The sign of a former rebellion.

The End of the Rock Star – a musical wasteland for rock ‘n’ roll.
This project is dedicated to Rock’n’Roll and Delta Blues – the last true Metal & Rockstars.
And the electric guitars vegetate and oxidize. The former steel shine gives way to the rust that spreads day by day and one day everything decomposes.


The end time of the rock star.
The age of rock stars is coming to an end.
Rock is dead and has no place in the entertainment industry. The charts are dominated by computer beats, hip hop and rap. In a world dominated by social media and political correctness, the rock star myth no longer has any place. Been there – done that – seen it all. The escapades of the former rebels are now only hackneyed and clichéd.

The rock star is a dying breed. Hardly anyone these days deserves that title that was thrown around like there was no tomorrow in the ’80s – and there are very few left. The true rock stars from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s are either gone (R.I.P. Jimi) or are aging and vegetating. They are relics.